Wazwan Resturant, The real taste of Indian Halal dishes
Showkat Roshangar,opened Wazwan, at the beginning of October 2004. The restaurant has since been widely praised for serving some of the most accomplished Indian food in the whole of Korea.
"I have for some time wanted to open an Indian restaurant which offers refined, innovative Indian cuisine", comments Showkat Roshangar.
"Wazwan literally is a north Indian Cuisine (basically From kashmir). I aim to do justice to the name by providing a wide diversity of enticing flavours through some traditional classics and a few tantalising dishes with a slight twist".
The Menu
The menu includes a selection of traditional dishes such as lamb and lentil patties stuffed with egg and onion, Roganjosh and butter chicken, along with several signature dishes.
For example, crusted lamb Biryani, smoked salmon kebab, and spicy seafood. Prices range is very wide and you can enjoy the best at very cheap price. For Detailed pricing visit our MENU PAGE.
Opening timmings
Opening Hours:
Mon to Fri - lunch 12.00h - 14.30h
Mon to Sat - dinner 18.30h - 22.45h
Sunday - lunch 12.00h - 14.45h
Sunday - dinner 18.30h - 22.00h
Our contacts
732-151 HANAMDONG YONGSANGU, SEOUL, KOREA Tel: 027981253 Tel-Fax: 0264031775
If you would like to contact us for any reason please e-mail: sfa842@yahoo.co.in Comments regarding this web site should be sent to: sfa842@yahoo.co.in
See what Korean Times says about our Wazwan

Wazwan at busy times
For more Pictures of resturant vist our photo page.